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The Complexity of HERMAN NEUMAN

Intuitive Overcomer of Everything
Near-Death & Experiences-Guided Mentor

Avoid Human Collapse Diseases-Disorder (HCDD):
Insights from Personal Experiences, Research & Hundreds of Patient Contacts

Without knowing anything about the causes of my many symptoms and conditions, my "Ask your doctors" loaded me with these side-effects pills, plus these, plus these and these  "miracle" drugs. Over a period of many years I also became exposed to thousands of invented chemicals and became loaded with many of them.  For a long time I did not even know that and they, the highly "educated" doctors knew even less.

I was a cute guinea piglet in my own research to discover and prove the causes and effects of massive global HCDD. That should make you realy like me very much, at least the piglet part. However, as of yet, no crowds are camping out overnight to break down the doors of this website to discover- the effects of toilet paper on their health..

But now we have definite proof of that terminal HCDD development applies to most life on earth. The richest man on earth is confirming my HCDD prophecy. He said "space exploration is critical to our survival.

~ ~ ~

Do you have one or more of these unknown hundreds-ome illnesses? Many of them can be chronic! About sixty percent (60%) of Americans have at least one chronic illness! And that percentage is increasing every year! At the present time that disaster is already far worse than worst one ever in history, the Bubonic Plague (1346-1353 A.D.).

The human species is now possibly in the most enduring die-off in its history. Because it is mostly caused by, and during, the dizzyingly accelerating "scientific and technological" progress of the last century, few people have not yet become aware of that. In addition, many have become so fatalistic that they do not even care. And the motto of growing numbers is, "If I cannot take it anymore, I'll kill myself."

Therefore, I want to give you hope, because at one time I also was caught in that state of mind. But then I began to virtually claw myself again out of some of the worst illnesses. And eventually back up to the best health today. With the right  kind of knowledge, you too may be able to make yourself at least somewhat healthier. That possibility is the biggest reason why I have been spending many, many, hours developing this web site.

The progression of the many global pandemics are now guaranteed to grow by this global psychological pandemic: Three Monkeys of Kyoto show you how that will remain a certainty because it was carved into the human mind:

The greater the problems, the greater the silence about them. Creating growing and additional problems, until they explode into many surprising difficult-to-manage crises.

~ ~ ~

Very Important New Findings, January 2018. This possibly major emerging threat to all life forms on earth may finally be more widely recognized. It has already negatively affected many people. According to Dr. Klighardt, and a growing numbers of other experts, dirty electromagnetic frequencies may become be the worst global disaster ever. "Too many of destructive ingredients have already been backed that into the cake." The destruction of this kind can only be visually and physically seen after many years. That killer ghost is electromagnetic radiation. Don't just take my word for it; you can begin to convince yourself about that reality here and here. But do not despair. You can learn how to protect yourself enough to become and remain healthy.

While I was composing this web site over a period of many years, I was not really aware about the health effects of certain kinds of radiation. The most frequent caution about any kind of radiation  being fed to the public for many decades were almost exclusively: "Sun exposure can cause skin cancer."

Never mind that without the sun there would be no life on earth. Recently I discovered that many kinds of man-made frequencies, Certain EMF's, may be as, or more, destructive to life as many synthetic chemicals. However, frequencies can also be used for beneficial purposes of well-being. It depends on the kinds and how they are being used.

~ ~ ~

There are two long lists of illnesses, conditions and symptoms further down in this document. If you are part of such frightening statistics, then the wisdom I gained from my years of wellness experiences may give you hope for curing yourself. As I mentioned before, I recovered from an unknown number of unknown chronic illnesses. Different kinds of doctors could not even determine their causes nor give them names. Without knowing one cause, my long time family doctor prescribed anti-depressants. Because of the many possible negative side-effects such can have, taking such drugs might become like shooting a gun randomly in a city.

The blessings I gained from death, near-deaths and decades of painful and terrifying suffering are truly miraculous. As I began to feel during my older years that the Divine Creator kept bestowing me with more and more blessings, I also began to become evermore compelled to share my hard-earned wisdom with others.

The Partnership to Fight Chronic Diseases states:

More than 190 million Americans, or about 60 percent of the population, are now affected by one or more chronic diseases. Having one chronic condition can increase the risk of developing another. Without change, the number of people with three or more chronic diseases is expected to increase to 83 million by 2030,...

Click here for U. S. Centers for Disease Control Infographics.

The recovery of my health took a long time. But I never took any artificial medicines for anything, except the antidepressants mentioned earlier. And this may also seem very strange to most people: I recovered my all-around wellness by reverting back to the lifestyle as much as possible of my early-life extreme poverty years.

Now I am in the 80th year of my life, and in some ways I am even doing better than ever! Therefore it is my hope that you can learn from my experiences to recover from whatever ails you.

Those now common illnesses, together with my personal wellness journey and thousands of hours of researching those subjects, should cause everyone to be pro-active about self-care. However, because the vast majority of people are still not aware enough of the rapid decline of global health guarantees the worsening of HCDD. One indication of that are the responses to my recent small local online poll. One-hundred percent of its respondents thought that our present generation is healthier than any other. How can people's perceptions about that most important subject become so far out from reality?

The chances are very great that you, or someone close to you, has one or more of the following modern conditions, autoimmune diseases. Many have become long-term irreversible epidemics. Of course, most of these diseases are caused by any longer-term large-scale human activity and creations that are not compatible with nature. Nature and the universe will always come into balance and resonating harmony with everything in it.

This is an incomplete list of mostly new illnessess. Further down is another list of my personal mind-blowing numbers of symptoms, condtions, and diseases. Naturally some of them have overlapping and/or additional causes:.

Chemical poisoning
Gluten sensitivity epidemic
Obesity epidemic
Lyme disease
Multiple sclerosis
Broken brain epidemic
MCS, Environmental Illness *
Leaky gut
Reoccurring headaches
Rheumatoid arthritis
Fatty liver disease
Declining sperm count
Dementia & Alzheimer's
Spinal fusions
Cerebellar ataxia
Adrenal fatigue
Electromagnetic Sensitivity
DNA damage
Autism spectrum
Food addictions
Attention deficit
Adrenal issues
Eighty-nine types of cancer
Inflammatory bowel disease
Reproductive problems
Chronic Cluelessness
High blood pressure
LDL cholesterol
Metabolic syndrome
Peanut sensitivity
Social isolation
Family breakup
Brain fog galore
Hashimoto's thyroid
Grave's thyroid
Flesh-eating bacteria
Metabolic syndrome
Joint replacements epidemic
So Young with Many Pills
Learning disabilities
Mold related illnesses
Emotional instabilities
Nose bleeding, polyps
Sick building syndrome
Growing craziness
Allergy epidemic
Central Sensitivity Syndromes
Dairy sensitivity epidemic
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Spine bifida
Enclosing Spondylitis
Broken brain epidemic
Disinterest in sex
All at ever-earlier ages
Millennial' cancers
Molluscum contagiosum
Surgery/prescription mistakes
Dementia epidemic
Oxidative stress

Wireless poisoning

Worst of all, when brains are foggy from uncountable numbers of possible reactions to  chemicals, all bets are off for recovering total wellness. Therefore chronic illnesses will keep growing in numbers of victims so affected, along with many new kinds of permanent "illnesses" that will have many similar causes.

Now that I am old I cannot be happier or healthier. As unbelievable as it may seem, I may first have become blessed by my baby death, near-death experiences and years of intense traumas. A Google search indicates that there is a lot of evidence of such. My home page has quotes about additional blessings from the book, Invisible Heroes: Survivors of Trauma and How They Heal.

Those Divinely bestowed blessings can be the only explanation for major cause of my spirit-guided intuition. It has helped me to discover the many things that I had to learn, to discover by myself, because of essentially having been abandoned as a child. Intuition has also directed me to curing myself from Multiple Chemical Senility, a very serious condition. And I did so in spite of our healthcare system. It almost killed me.

I still keep learning a lot of diverse things, because I became an obsessive reader of all kinds of subjects during my grade school years. Reading was one of the few forms of entertainment and "escapism" from my often traumatic environment. my ingrained survival instinct and hyper-vigilance, another major blessing. they cause me to question everything, and mostly on a subconscious level. Therefore the pages of this web site may always be a "work in progress."

I am not a doctor, mental health counselor or a professional in related fields. However, I am a former member of The Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress. I was accepted not because of formal "book learning," but mostly because of overcoming immense long-term challenges. Therefore, what I am sharing here is mostly based on my personal experiences, conversations with hundreds of others about wellness, along with my many years of ongoing research.

From Healthnut to Time bomb in one Day

Even though I had been an obsessive "healthnut" in every respect during most of my adulthood, I became suddenly very sick one day. My many symptoms should have been a warning for my doctors about the variety of un-diagnosable conditions. However, examinations, blood tests and scans of my insides could not determine what I had or how to heal me.

Therefore it was assumed that my miseries must be "all in my head." To remove creative imagination from my mind, I was prescribed "low-dose" mind-bending anti-depressants. If that sounds familiar to you, it is because far too many people are also wrongly diagnosed and drugged for such masochistic tendencies: Gunpowder for potential suicide, anger outbursts and mass shootings.

After several years of great suffering during my middle age, I learned from a cheerful stranger over the telephone that the common root causes of the as yet unknown to me specificity of my physical illnesses were dozens of man-made chemicals in my body. Millions-of-dollars-worth of well-researched chemical gunpowder.

Unfortunately, almost everyone in the world is now similarly affected to progressive degrees. The combination of present civilization's stressful conditions and body toxins causes what can be named Human Collapse Disorder-Diseases (HCDD). Because I was able to return to the best all-around health from HCDD, I am sharing my "must-have" wellness wisdom for everyone's benefit. Wisdom cannot be learned or understood in any other way than through experiences.

 ... all knowledge of reality starts from experience and ends in it... Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience.
~ Einstein

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I, my brother and mother.I was born in Nazi Germany in 1939; the beginning of World War II. During the following few years, millions of people were still starving and freezing to death. Even the luckiest ones were undernourished. Subsisting in such an environment gave me a unique perspective, a solid foundation from which I can now observe, and detect, the causes and effects of  Human Collapse Diseases-Disorder.

Of course I was not consciously aware of that trend until I began thinking back of those earlier times while I was slowly, unknowingly, being poisoned later in life. It is a certainty, which seems unbelievable, that the down-beaten Germans were a lot healthier than most people are today. Again, almost all people were much healthier than they are today anywhere in the world. And that in spite after many years of war, hyperinflation, depression, followed by post-WWII stressful conditions that today's generations cannot even imagine.

As I was growing older synthetic chemicals kept continuously being introduced into the global environment, into everyone's body. My body was absorbing and storing many of them without me being aware of that. Consequently I began to suffer several dozen of those conditions and illnesses listed below. Even so, health experts were only treating my symptoms and not their causes. Therefore, my condition was growing so painful that I felt like I was going to die. I was hoping that it would be sooner rather than later. That desire was greatly enhanced, because not one person believed that I was really sick.

After I had been on that path to slow death for several years, I was unexpectedly blessed by a telephone call from that stranger. What little information she shared with me immediately triggered my insatiable curiosity about how I could recover from "un-diagnosable" illnesses. No one will ever know how many I had, but most likely they all had the same causes; accumulated commonly-used poisons.

My continuous research and total recovery the best of health made me realize that most, if not all people, in the world are similarly affected by environmental poisons to various degrees. Therefore I can no longer remain quiet about that most important subject.

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When my little brother and I were deepest-poverty-stricken kids, we mixed only a few commonly available chemicals and packed them into tin cans and other kinds of containers. We created home-made bombs, rockets and hand grenades that we launched in various places around our city.

Unbelievably, no one listened to our plight, even though we frequently caused huge clouds of attention-getting smoke and ear-torturing noises. No one cared enough to grope our groins or warn us about somebody's potential shock and awe. Most importantly, very few people imagined that someday concoctions of a tens of thousands of chemicals in foods, water, air and everywhere would create hundreds of millions shock and awe obese body bombs all around the world. The simple enabling reason for that is Ami's Avalanche Axiom:

The greater the silence and inaction about problems, the more astounding their consequent collateral damage.

I was lucky to have grown up in a very natural, non-poisoned, environment. Over the years I  was able to witness he effects of the gradual transitioning into our present chemical-ized world. I will now give a brief general overview of those two background environments and my resultant wellness.

Therefore, I will now focus on my experiences and unusual hard-earned wisdom gained from very gradual toxin-induced Environmental Illness (EI) that was causing my slow death. EI is also referred to as Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and other terminology. My incredible journey helps to prove the rapid destructive changes that humankind has been causing for itself and the planet.

Unfortunately there has been a lot of ignorance, apathy, misunderstanding, and controversy about those kinds of illnesses. They have also been kept secret or misrepresented the public. After I began to realize that my condition fit into that secrecy category, and its vast extent, I coined the expression of HCDD.

This article is but one of many examples of denials and falsehoods about the MCS and HCDD. That web site attempts to discredit many effective methods of prevention, diagnoses, medicines and treatments that fall outside the mainstream establishments. Its M.D. author also lists the name of a doctor of Integrative Medicine as being a "quack," even though he was the one, and only one, who was able to precisely diagnose the causes and cures of my MCS by synthetic chemicals.

Fortunately such ignorance about avoidance of "allergens" and staying healthy seems to be changing ever-rapidly. At least among the more informed and/or wealthier people. Here is but one amazing example, the curing of MRSA with but one of many ancient of uncountable "quack" methods. It is simple mixture of just five ingredients: two garlic species, copper, wine, and ox gall (a dried form of ox bile).

Low level long-term exposures to antagonistic substances, even as small as dust and molecules, can indeed cause physically-induced diseases. Physical suffering from such can also induce additional psychologically-induced physical reactions from worrying.

However specifically, if my world record early-life traumas may have caused PTSD, no one has ever mentioned it. I also  never felt that I needed  mental health counseling. On the contrary, during my years as a spiritual care volunteer I helped to bring comfort to patients in regional hospital and psychiatric facilities.

Even so, could my presumed as yet undiagnosed PSTD have caused me to accumulate many subtle and some serious "all in your head" symptoms? Over such a very long period a time? Or did synthetic chemicals cause most of my symptoms of worsening health? It is my hope what you will  reach an undeniable conclusion that will pleasantly surprise you. 

Furthermore, there are also other types of emerging illnesses, some of which may not yet have been detected or researched. If you have been taking care or your garden or landscaping you may have noticed that when plants are under any kind of stress, destructive bugs move in. Likewise, people with inflammatory illnesses are much more likely to suffer from bacterial and viral infections.

Repeating what I said before, very few of the illnesses listed herewith ever existed. The proof is that during my immediate World War II post-war years even farmers did not have enough to eat. My middle school class on one of its yearly hikes into the mountains.Although being very skinny, everyone appeared to have been far healthier than people seem to be today.

To show you a couple small examples, study the people in the two black and white photos in this article. One shows my middle school class on its yearly half-day hike in nearby mountains. There never was one overweight teacher or kid in any of the four schools that I attended. What does that say about genetic causes of obesity?

Look at the portrait of my mother, little brother and me to see how healthy were seemed to be. During that time all three of us had to scavenge for food from manure piles and garbage sources. We also cut soggy peat moss loaves out of a bog, stacked them up to dry and then pulled them home in cart to fuel the kitchen stove during the coldest days.

Almost since the beginning of our Age of Toxicity most people have had daily exposures more kinds of synthetic chemicals. Most of those new chemicals have never even been tested for health effects. And certainly not in the many millions of  combinations that can cause illnesses, genetic damage, and mutations in uncountable ways.

The growing suicide rate and inability to think clearly are ample proof. What else could be causing such a rapid drastic change?  Since there are going to be thousands of new chemicals and electro-magnetic frequencies sources introduced in the future, their combined results on human electro-chemical systems are causing what can be classified as Human Collapse Diseases/Disorder (HCDD).

Paraphrasing: It no longer matters what you call your disease. The label of you disease that your doctor gives you is most likely meaningless. Doctors only look at symptoms and not their systemic causes.~ From Dr. Sherry Rogers' book, Detoxify Or Die

Think about of how ubiquitous man-made chemicals must be. I knew a retired research chemist with over two-hundred patents in his name. He had  worked for a very large chemical company. About once a year his family made its own soap. When a mutual friend asked him why he did not just buy it, he answered that his work included turning industrial waste into ingredients for consumer products.

After he died 55-gallon drums filled of glass containers were discovered in his farm shed. He thought that when the public would learn about the poisons in plastics, there would be a great demand for glass containers. That was years ago, and strangely, as yet few people care or know about that multitudes of environmental conditions are making them sick.

The march towards human extinction cannot be reversed until the world wakes up from its deep apathy. One can easily find overwhelming evidence online proving that millions have already departed prematurely from HCDD and will continue to do so. Could that be caused by a failure to communicate with God?

However, if you have one of those HCDD chronic illnesses do not despair, because my health journey proves that with patient discipline, persistent research and truthful living you may also be able to recover.

Even though I have avoided junk foods as much as possible and have exercised regularly, vigorously, most of my adult life, I accumulated an unknown number of chemicals in my body. In retrospect, there probably were also other contributing causes, such as different kinds of radiation. Although I had learned enough about such, I did not make the connection that such environmental factors were causing my seemingly unrelated to be expected "harmless aging" symptoms.

Until a sudden very serious blowup of my health.

One January day some years ago, while I still had enough stamina to go jogging up and down a rocky river gorge road almost every day, my immune system must have reached its limits. Within a few days I began to get high fever, rapid weight loss, and persistent profuse bronchial mucus, thirst, extreme weakness, poor sleep and frequent prolonged headaches.

It took a long time to learn that my body could no longer able to process all the chemicals that I must have been accumulating for many years. It took an even longer time to learn that HCDD was the major cause of my crashing health. It was definitely not global warming or climate change because that has been changing for billions of years.

Some of my conditions waxed and waned. Others kept intensifying. They seemed to have been caused by immediate or longer-delayed reactions to smoke, chlorine and unknown multitudes of the 80,000 plus scientifically-concocted chemicals that have so far been created. Even so, the medical establishment could never determine the causes of my growing numbers of symptoms. Because I was never tested for even one chemicals.

It seems to be unbelievable to people who have not yet been affected by electro-chemical brain fog that my long-time doctor only prescribed antibiotics and anti-depressants. And without knowing the causes of my declining health in order to target them for elimination. My long-duration prescriptions even helped to speed up, or prolong, my miserable dying. That was a certainty, because I never had had intensely angry suicidal behavior before and never again after I quit taking anti-depressants.

After many months of off and on anti-biotics my doctor phoned me the diagnosis during dinner time: Your blood tests indicate that you have a serious illness. That is all he told me. Having learned by then that this message was generated by one of the many systems that had become SNAFU, I did not bother to ask him to explain. A real doctor had already correctly diagnosed me in the mean time: Serious accumulation of common toxins in my body. The most deadly one being arsenic.

We are frequently told that arsenic is a natural substance in earth and water. But it was almost completely absent in our water. For more than three decades our domestic city water came from springs that tested to be remarkably free from a couple hundred man-made chemicals and pathogens. Therefore I suggest that you search online for toxins in foods and other substances.

I was slowly being destroyed by Human Collapse Diseases-Disorder (HCCD). In my case that was causing an astounding number of accumulating symptoms/conditions/illnesses over a period of many years. Some were acute or chronic infections, while others were so strange that one could wonder, like for example feeling ants crawling in my arms? They are listed here in no particular order:

Whooping cough
Painful lumpy nodes in arm pits
Downwinder nuclear radiation damage - Hanford -  others?
Electromagnetic frequencies sensitivity - intermittent
Above normal short-term fluctuating weight
Liver spots on face, hands and arms. Frozen off yearly by dermatologists
Thick skin with bleeding cracks on heels.
Brain fog of various intensities and durations
Plantar warts
Eyes steaming up upper inside of eyeglasses
Srong underarm odor, even after showering 1
Episodes of tingling skin
Crawling or “electrical buzz” feeling in arms and legs
Wet and dry macular degeneration in one eye (Misdiagnosis?)
Rapid weight loss
Severely affected by scents, chlorine, formaldehyde, dryer sheets, uncountable VOCs
Intense sadness
Soft finger nails
Attention deficit
Purplish finger and toe nails
Weakening eyesight 2
Poor and restless sleep
Long-duration headaches
Constantly runny nose
Occasional bloody discharge from nose
Pre-cancerous spot on nose. Frozen off yearly by dermatologists.
Frequent need to clear throat of persistent mucus
Weak muscle strength and firmness
Reoccurring cold sores on lip
Decades of chronic stinky ear infection, including two surgeries to remove proud flesh 3
Almost constant thirst, even though I drink a lot of fluids
Frequent urination
Intermittent slow thinking
Intermittent halting speech, misspeaking
One or two severe colds or flu per year  4
Irritation from loud noise, like running bathtub water
Dry eyes and lips
Occasional red blotches on face and neck
Frequent feeling of being too hot all over
Decades of worries and anxieties
Irregular or slow bowel movements
Feeling brain-fogged, uncomfortable, for decades inside buildings (Sick Building Syndrome)

Slow healing of small wounds
High PSA level 5
Phlegm during start of moderate aerobic exercise
Caffeine-induced jitters
Lack of dreaming
Negative mindset, but with an unusual grasp of harsh reality
Clicking in knees and other joints
Nerve signal interference caused by body scars
Acute constipation
Tested positive in middle of chart for uranium poisoning
Leaking bladder
Dandruff and flaky skin
Fatty lumps on belly
Low blood pressure
High blood pressure
Very low pulse rate. One condition, indication, of my present excellent health?
Irregular heartbeat. That may have been a farcical diagnosis.
Flatulence during my advanced "old fart" years and caused by my festive gorgings.
Probable fatty liver
Central nervous system damage
Seeing halos around lights
Forgotten, unknown others

Think about this: I am now eighty years old. During days when I feel in "super" condition, I still can do the Twist dance move down to a few inches of my heels. And then rise back up with a spiraling ninety-plus degree turn. Of all the dozens of ill-health symptoms I had over the years, I now only get an occasional dripping nose and vague brain fog. I am lucky to have those two "alarm bells, because they warn me that I am being exposed to something invisible that does not agree with my body. It is most likely very toxic. Therefore, I know to take immediate countermeasures to keep me healthy.

What might have caused dozens of symptoms and conditions in an obsessive healthnut like me? How could such a big variety of my very serious conditions have been overlooked by so many people for so many years?

After that life-saving telephone call from that stranger which I mentioned above, I very slowly began to re-invigorated my life. My main efforts were trying to avoid synthetic chemicals, medicines and processed foods as much as possible. I also began detoxifying my body everyday with a variety of methods. While doing that I also gradually and eventually became emotionally and spiritually much stronger than I have ever been in my whole life.


Whereas, here, here, and this Google search indicate that there might be unintentional or intentional global genocide; and...

whereas, most of the modern-day illnesses listed herein did not exist, or were quite rare, even during times of historical tribulations; and...

whereas, the applications of scientific discoveries have been growing exponentially with a similar increase of Human Collapse Diseases/Disorders (HCDD)  and...

whereas, a large number of synthetic chemicals that were not safety-tested or were restricted or banned continue to be used, or still remain in our environment for many more years; and...

whereas, many farm workers cannot read the caution, handling and application instructions of pesticides, herbicides, etc.; and...

whereas, the types and rates of HCDD are increasing in spite of an astonishing growth in healthcare spending and a decreasing trend in harmful use of tobacco; and...

whereas, state governors and institutions are declaring or recognizing Environmental Illnesses/Multiple chemical sensitivity and Electromagnetic Sensitivity to be physically debilitating; and...

whereas, up to and through my early years in a nearly natural environment people were able deal with such intense emotional and physical stress that would have sickened or killed many people of more recent generations, and without taking pills or mental health counseling; and...

whereas, I slowly accumulated ever more toxins and symptoms of degeneration, whose causes were difficult if not impossible to diagnose or could not be treated successfully with the traditional means, antibiotics; and...

whereas, I was able to recover my health with continual detoxifying, avoiding synthetic chemicals and known forms of radiation as much as possible, and...

Therefore, humanity has no choice but to deal with the epidemic of Human Collapse Diseases/Disorders, and optimum health requires continuous avoidance and elimination of toxic substances from the entire world as much as possible.

* * * * *

Certain chemicals in deodorants caused me to have sore swollen lymph nodes. Even when I was using any kind of main-brand deodorant, my wife would often still tell me, "You still stink," after I had just come out of the shower. Now that I have been detoxifying I rarely even have to use deodorant and do not "stink.".

2  When I told an optometrist many years ago that I had begun detoxifying my body, he said "That probably will have improved your eyesight." Last year, another ophalmologist, while  viewing the results of my eye test on a monitor, was very surprised by their health. Then while he was examining my eyes he said you may have to have a glaucoma surgery in a couple years. Rolling back with his chair, he threw up both hands saying, "but I may be wrong about that too."

Because of almost total neglect, extreme poverty and ignorance, I unnecessarily continued to suffer decades of acute/chronic stinky pus ear infections. That also included two additional surgeries to remove proud flesh, wild meat, from my skull when I was a juvenile. I have yet to find anyone who has grown such and over such a long time. May I can reassemble and become lead-howler of the band, Proud Flesh.

 4I have always had one or two severe colds or an occasional flu every year. Since I quit getting yearly flu shots many years ago, I have had no indications of ever have had them.

 My PSA level declined to a very low  normal levels after I began detoxifying my body.

* State governors used to declare May to be Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Month. Suddenly someone scared them into ignoring that subject entirely.

Disclaimer: The author of this web site had no formal training in medicine, nutrition or psychology. The links to external web sites are posted for informational purposes only. Consult with health professionals before making changes in your nutrition and exercise routines or with your physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual wellness pursuits.

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